Freezing Some Monsters

Erdrique (Level 10) is currently working through a melee bard life.  For this particular iteration, I have decided to primarily focus as a Warchanter.  One of the fun aspects of a Warchanter bard is the ability to use melee attacks to freeze your enemies.  There are three enhancements that allow this ability: The Frozen Fury, Northwind, and Spinning Ice.

The first of these abilities is The Frozen Fury.  The Frozen Fury is an active ability and is a special melee attack that can be taken up to three times.  Each time you take the enhancement the damage inflicted from this attack is increased by +1W.  When an enemy is hit, it must make a fortitude save against 10+Charisma modifier+(0 or 1/4 or 1/2 Bard Level)+stunning modifiers.  The amount applied to the bard levels depends on the number of times you have trained the enhancement, with the third time adding 1/2 bard level to your difficulty check.  If the monster fails the save, then gets frozen.  The length of time it remains frozen depends on the number of your bard levels (they remain frozen for the number of seconds that is equal to half your bard level).  The cool down for this ability goes from 12 to six seconds, decreasing by three seconds for each time it is trained.  The ability also cost one spell point to activate.

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Erdrique using The Frozen Fury to freeze an orc spiritcaller in The Tide Turns.

The second ability is Northwind.  Northwind acts in entirely different fashion than The Frozen Fury in that it isn’t a active melee attack.  Northwind gives you the ability to freeze your enemy on a vorpal hit.  What is really interesting about this ability is that their is no save, which makes it very powerful. The amount of time the monster stays frozen is shorter than in The Frozen Fury but usually by that time it is essentially defeated.  This ability also has three ranks and the more ranks you tank the shorter the time between the ability to freeze monsters/enemies on vorpal strikes.

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Erdrique taking advantage of the Northwind ability to freeze a wight champion in Delera’s.

The last ability is called Spinning Ice.  Spinning Ice is essentially a cleave like attack.  This enhancement also has three ranks and the amount of damage increases by +2/+3/+4 W.  All enemies that are hit within the attacking range need to make a fortitude save of 14+Charisma Modifier+1/2 Bard Level+Stunning Modifiers.  Enemies that fail the fortitude save become frozen for the number of seconds equal to half your bard level.  Erdrique hasn’t received this ability yet, but I’m looking forward to it.  I believe the 1/2 Bard Level portion of the difficulty check calculation is based on taking the third rank, so I believer this portion of the formula progresses the same as The Frozen Fury.  To activate this ability, it will cost 6 to 2 spell points, depending on the rank.  The cool down time is also dependent on rank and ranges from 45 to 25 seconds.

All three abilities are intimately linked.  The Frozen Fury must be trained prior to being able to train in Northwind and Northwind must be trained prior to taking Spinning Ice.  It is really fun to see your enemies frozen before while you are making your through your battles.  If you ever want to experiment with a Warchanter Bard, make sure to use these abilities, I’m sure you will enjoy them!!

Thanks for reading everybody and happy questing!!

2 thoughts on “Freezing Some Monsters

  1. Pingback: The Joy of Spinning Ice | Erdrique's Blog

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