Anyone ever notice Expedition Leader Brazwold?

Erdrique is currently working his level 13 quests, which means entering the Ruins of Gianthold.  He is also working on maxing out that particular explorer area.  While running around the Stormeye Encampment, I noticed something.  It appears that the Expedition Leader Brazwold cannot figure out what type of hair style or what color he likes the best:

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Erdrique fighting the Expedition Leader Brazwold who appears to have red hair and a big bushy read beard.

Erdrique fighting the Expedition Leader once again, only now he has white hair and white bushy beard.

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Erdrique now fighting the Expedition Leader Brazwold once again, only this time he has black hair and close cropped black beard.

LOL, is there sometype of conspiracy here?  Bah, I just think his wife can’t figure out which hair color/style works best for him .

Something to ponder.  Thanks for reading everybody and have fun hunting in the Ruins of Gianthold!!

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