Another Dual Boxing Benefit

I have been dual boxing quite a bit lately.  I have written about dual boxing a few times (such as here and here) and I have mentioned it quite a bit in my weekly and weekend quest summaries but I haven’t really written about dual boxing since the fall.  Well, I was recently dual boxing with Cannock (Level 8 Druid) and Crawlller (Level 7 Ranger) last week and something happened during that quest run that reminded me of a benefit to dual boxing.

During this particular session, I was running the quest Redfang the Unruled.  I was scheduled to play Crawlller that night and he still needed to complete Redfang on elite.  I used Cannock to open the quest on elite (Cannock happens to be on my VIP account) and then proceeded to take Crawlller through the quest.  I wasn’t paying attention to my hireling contracts and didn’t notice that his cleric hireling had expired.  I didn’t worry about because I figured it would be ok and I progressed with the quest.  Plus it is always good to refresh those self-maintenance skills without the use of hirelings, you know like we had to do way back when :P.

For the vast majority of the quest run, everything was pretty good.  I moved Crawlller through the dungeon without any major problems dealing with the spiders, scorpions, spike, and poison traps.  It wasn’t until I reached Redfang’s lair when things turned sideways.  Crawlller was down to about 50% health when he opened the door to her lair.  The two other spiders with her did a great job for setting me up as a distraction.  Before I knew it was, down to 25% health and I was quickly back pedaling to try to heal myself.  Eventually, Redfang and her brethren caught up with me and put Crawlller down into the state of a soul stone.  Looks like my self sufficiency skills need to be enhanced, lol.

Crawlller reduced to a soul stone in Redfang waiting for Cannock to bail him out.

Luckily though, I still had Cannock alive and waiting in the dungeon back at the quest entrance.  So, I simply started to take Cannock to where Crawlller had died so that Cannock could save the day.  Well, this didn’t quite work out as well as I had planned.  Cannock didn’t fair as well as Crawlller did with respect to the poison trap.  When I made it to that room, I hit some lagginess and next thing I new Cannock was reduced to a soul stone in the doorway out of the poison trap room.  Lol, go figure…

However, because I was dual boxing with Cannock, I didn’t have to worry about recalling and rushing from wherever I was bound back to the quest entrance before it reset.  Not to mention, I didn’t have to worry about losing some experience on Crawlller because he re-entered the dungeon.  The dual boxing method allowed me to take my time and re-enter the quest with Cannock after obtaining the necessary buffs.  This time, I didn’t have any issues with the poison trap at all.  Thankfully :P.

So another benefit of dual boxing is that one of your dual boxed characters can hold the quest instance for you in the event that both characters die.  You don’t have to worry about not returning to a dungeon in time before it resets and you can take the time you need to resupply and rebuff as necessary.  Definitely a nice benefit!!

Thanks for readying everybody and happy hunting in Red Fang’s hunting grounds!!

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